Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Capturing moments ... who needs it?

I started blogging to capture moments and random thoughts that would otherwise just vanish into ephemera. And it's working for me, for the most part. I capture random thoughts and there they sit for a virtual eternity, for me to be able to go back and remember. I lack discipline, I don't flinch from saying it. I can imagine journalling or blogging every day, but really, I wouldn't do that. It's not in my scattered nature. But some thoughts that go by like a CNN ticker are just too juicy to leave to an undisciplined blog. What do I do with those hunks of consciousness?

As pointless as those chunks of me might be to others, I still feel compelled to record them publicly. That's a head-scratcher right there ... why in public? But otherwise, I still wonder what to do to try to shape them. I feel perfectly content with struggling in my undisciplined and random blog-mumblings for now. I guess I just need to keep capturing the moments.

Aside: this week's Memphis Beat is a trip: "Family is an albatross around the neck of great men .... the only people who say otherwise are parasite women who are looking for good men to make their hosts." Priceless line, really. Jason Lee must tap into some buried crazy streak in his suspects, they have seemed to cough up their confessions with minimum prompting. Must be the Memphis Heat ... .

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