Thursday, February 2, 2012

Attaching to a community and crafting a community vision

Communities attach people through it's sense of openness and welcome to residents and outsiders.  Beauty in the parks and meeting places make a community something the residents can take pride in and enjoy bringing visitors to. Yet, what happens when young people don't feel attached that way? What happens when outsiders become insiders and don't really care about keeping the community "nice"?

Crafting a community vision must include plans for those issues that attach people to their community. The aesthetics of both the Imperial Marketplace and the Market Creek Plaza offer great attachment value, which was a big element of allowing the big box Home Depot and the 24 Hour Fitness into the community. Those nice looking retail outlets didn't solve all the ills, but it works well the character of the community as it has grown over the last 40 years.

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